Our History

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North Gower-Marlborough PS is located in the village of North Gower in Rideau Township in Ontario, Canada. The population of Rideau township is 12 444. The area is 408.7 square kilometers.   North Gower was first settled in 1846 by the Barrows, Andrews, and the Craig families, who came from Ireland. The first telephone in the County was installed in the late 1880's, by 1902 there were three more telephones in North Gower. The first industry was water powered sawmill, built on Stevens Creek on Church Street. In 1846 a Post Office was established. North Gower's No. 1 Cheese Factory was opened in 1867 and operated until 1952. The first church was built in 1880 on Church Street. The first school was a small log building built in 1830. The second school was built in 1852 and burned down in 1869. In 1869 a new brick school was built. In 1912 a four room cement block school was built. The top two rooms were used as a high school until South Carleton was built in 1952. In 1948 after a bad fire in North Gower, modern firefighting equipment was bought and a volunteer fire brigade was trained.   North Gower-Marlborough PS was constructed in 1969 to serve the elementary students of the Townships of North Gower and Marlborough. Today it provides schooling to all junior kindergarten through grade 5 students in the regular English program in Rideau Township, except for those students in the Manotick Public School attendance area.   The most important building in North Gower is the school. It is the most important building because it gets used more than any of the other buildings. The library is the second most important building in North Gower. The R.A. Center is another of our important buildings. It is mostly used by the Cubs, Scouts, Brownies and people having meetings.
